# Newegg

# Modes

# Safe

Safe Mode can be used to run for longer periods of time on ISPs. It has a reduced risk of proxy block.

# Aggressive

Aggressive Mode should be used with residential proxies as it bans proxies fast! It's much faster than Safe Mode. We suggest running a 10:1 Proxy:Task ratio as banned proxies rotate out of tasks.

# Delays

# Safe Mode

3500ms running 24/7.

# Fast Mode

3500ms, but ensure you run large proxy lists.

Endpoint delay doesn't matter, put 4000 MS.

# Notes

If you let your tasks cycle on “Submitting Order (A)” for too long your proxies will get banned faster. Always feel free to experiment with your setup to optimize your chances at copping. Newegg isn't picky with proxies usually however if you send too many requests from the same IP in a short amount of time your proxies will get temporarily banned (IP bans last for hours usually).